“Every soul shall taste death.” Qur’an 29:57
Death is Near
“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” Qur’an 4:78
Death is the reality from which none can escape. It draws nearer every day; every hour; every minute. According to the CIA’s The World Factbook 2007, almost two people die each second. That’s a staggering 57.9 million people each year! Every single being will reach this inescapable fate, regardless of their age, health, background, social status or piety. Where are the past kings, the billionaires and the powerful? Where are the once beautiful, the famous, and the intellectual elite?
The Reality of Death
Death is not a disaster, but simply a passing from this world onto the next. It should make us reflect and ponder about the purpose of life, and what will become of us after death.
Allah (God) has informed us in the Qur’an that He has created us with the purpose of worshipping Him alone and that He made this life a test to see who will fulfil that purpose:
“And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” Qur’an 51:56
God has also informed us the purpose behind the creation of death and life:
“Allah is He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed.” Qur’an 67:2
One does not prepare for death by pre-paying funeral services or selecting a coffin in advance. It is about fulfilling one’s purpose in life – to worship Allah alone, to live according to His commandments, and perform good deeds. The concept of worship in Islam is all encompassing and is not merely restricted to praying. In fact, any action that is pleasing to Allah is considered an act of worship, and a person will be rewarded for it.
The Moment of Death
“Let every person consider what they have sent ahead for tomorrow.” Qur’an 59:18
Every day we see examples of death. We perceive a peaceful death as one with neither pain nor violence. However, this is not necessarily the case. When a person dies, the soul leaves the body, and so the physical appearance of the body may not reflect the situation of the soul. The peacefulness or unease of the soul will be a direct result of how well a person fulfilled their purpose in this life, and has little to do with the cause of death.
Consider an example of two people who have a one-way ticket to a destination they have never been to before. The first person takes the time to learn about the language, culture and practices relating to the destination. He acquires the right currency and vaccinations, and when it comes time to travel, he arrives without any surprises. He is safe and content, because he has taken the time to prepare.
In contrast, the second person is careless in his preparations and simply lives for the moment until the time comes to depart. He arrives at the unknown destination scared and confused. His unpreparedness causes him to end up with a dreadful fate, as all of the things he has brought with him were of no use.
Describing such a heedless person, Allah says in the Qur’an:
“When death comes to one of them, he says, ‘My Lord, send me back! So that I can do good in the things I neglected.’ By no means! It is a mere word that he speaks.” Qur’an 23:99-100
Also consider the response of those people consigned to hell, when they are questioned regarding what put them there:
“They will say, ‘We were not of those who prayed, nor did we feed the poor. And we used to enter into vain discourse with those who engaged in it, and we used to deny the Day of Recompense (the Day of Judgement) until there came to us the death that is certain.’ ” Qur’an 74:43-47
We all have an appointed time with death, and we will all travel to this unfamiliar destination. Ask yourself – have you prepared for it?
The Purpose of Life
“Did you think that We (God) created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us (God)?” Qur’an 23:115
Life is a test which ends in death, but it does not mark the end of one’s existence. Once death arrives, the opportunity to do good ceases. It will be too late to repent and our fate will be determined solely by our beliefs and deeds that we do in our current life. Man’s life is divided into two parts: a brief stay in this world, and an eternal life in the next. Any sane mind will conclude that eternal bliss is far more beneficial than short lived pleasures on Earth.
Allah created mankind and made us responsible for our actions by granting us freedom of choice, and intelligence to discern right and wrong. If there were no afterlife in which the good were rewarded and the bad punished, that would contradict the perfect justice of Allah.
Hence it is an absolute demand of justice that there be a Day of Judgement on which every soul is brought to account
“Shall We then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?” Qur’an 68:35-36
The Day of Judgement
“Death, from which you are running away from, will certainly catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible (i.e. Allah) and He will inform you about what you did.” Qur’an 62:8
Everyone’s deeds in this life are meticulously recorded and preserved, as Allah says:
“And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed open, and you will see the sinful in great terror because of what is recorded therein. They will say, “Ah! Woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!” They will find all that they did placed before them. And your Lord does injustice to no one.” Qur’an 18:49
We will be amazed by the accuracy of such a record of all our actions, as we will be reminded of matters long forgotten. Allah says,
“Allah has kept account of it, while they have forgotten it.” Qur’an 58:6
Thinking deeply on this should make us ashamed of committing any sin while knowing that it will be recorded against us and exposed on the Day of Judgement in front of Allah.
For those who doubt Allah’s abilities to resurrect and judge them, Allah quotes the disbelievers as saying:
“ ‘Who will give life to these bones when they have rotted away and became dust?’ Say (O Muhammad), ‘He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!’ ” Qur’an 36:78-79
Paradise and Hell
Those who believe in Allah as the only God worthy of being worshipped, and perform good deeds, will be rewarded with Paradise.
“Verily, the dwellers of the Paradise, that Day, will be busy in joyful things. They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones. They will have therein fruits (of all kinds) and all that they ask for.” Qur’an 36:55-57
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) narrated that Allah said: “I have prepared for My righteous slaves such excellent things as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard, nor a human heart can ever think of.”
This is in sharp contrast to the people who deny the Oneness of Allah, who will be told:
“This is the Hell which you were promised! Burn therein this day, for that which you used to disbelieve.” Qur’an 36:63-64
For the disbelievers is the worst of punishments:
“Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait for the transgressors, a place of return, in which they will remain for ages [unending]. They will not taste therein any coolness or drink except scalding water and dirty wound discharges – an appropriate recompense [according to their evil acts]! Indeed, they were not expecting an account, and denied our verses with emphatic denial. But all things We have recorded in a Book. ‘So taste the penalty, and never will We (God) increase you except in torment.’ ” Qur’an 78:21-30
“O man! What has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Most Generous? Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion. In whatever form He willed, He put you together. No! But you deny the Recompense (reward for good deeds and punishment for evil deeds on the Day of Judgement).”
What do you REALLY know?
Islam is one of the world’s largest religions yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. For various reasons – be they political, economic, biased media or fear of the “other” – mistruths and misconceptions have been spread about Islam. The key to understanding Islam and Muslims is to resist stereotypes and examine each situation according to Islamic teachings and authentic sources
Misconception 1 – "Muslims Do Not Share Good and Noble Values with non-Muslims"
“The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Some people allege that Islamic values are somehow incompatible with decent “Western” values. Such claims could not be further from the truth.
Muslims cherish noble and universal values such as:
being honest and just
keeping one’s word
allowing freedom of religion
respecting parents, relatives, neighbours, and the elderly
being charitable, generous, and looking after the poor and needy
not lying, cheating, swearing or backbiting anyone.
Muslims are required to contribute positively towards society and to always conduct themselves with the highest of morals and best of actions.
Misconception 2 – "Muslims Worship a New God Called Allah"
Muslims worship the same God worshipped by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The word “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for Almighty God – an Arabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God. Allah is also the same word that Arabic speaking Christians and Jews use to refer to God.
However, although Muslims, Jews and Christians believe in the same God (the Creator), their concepts regarding Him differ significantly. For example, Muslims reject the idea of God having any partners or being part of a ‘trinity’, and ascribe perfection only to God, the Almighty.
Misconception 3 – "Islam Permits Terrorism"
The media generally portrays any Muslim who fights as a terrorist, regardless of whether they fight justly or unjustly, or whether they are oppressing others or being oppressed.
In war, the targeting of innocent non-combatants is a despicable act which Islam clearly prohibits. In fact, Muslims are not allowed to destroy plants and animals unnecessarily, let alone innocent humans. However, it is important to distinguish between terrorism and legitimate resistance to occupation, as the two are very different.
The Quran clearly demonstrates the seriousness of killing an innocent person, and emphasises the value of human life.
Misconception 4 – "Islam Oppresses Women"
In Islam, men and women are viewed as equals before God, in terms of both receiving equal reward and accountability for their actions. The only thing that distinguishes people in the sight of God is their level of piety.
This verse proves that real honour and status is not attained because a person is rich or poor, black or white, male or female, but attained through piety and devoutness.
Allah, the Creator of both genders, has assigned different roles and responsibilities for each, taking into account their differences. Women are given the utmost respect and honour, such as the right to equal pay, choice of spouse, pursuit of education, and the right to divorce and inheritance.
Unfortunately, there are some Muslim women who are oppressed and not given their rights. This is not the fault of Islam. The problem is that in some countries, people follow certain cultural practices and traditions which have nothing to do with Islam.
Misconception 5 – "The Quran is Just another History or Poetry Book"
The Quran is the divine literal word of God Almighty, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), through the angel Gabriel. It is a criterion for the truth, containing guidance for humanity to live by. The Quran cites lessons from preceding generations and the history of the Prophets in order that we may learn from their experiences. It further teaches us about ourselves and our Creator, as well as the purpose of our existence which is to acknowledge God, worshipping Him alone.
God did not create humans to simply wander aimlessly. The test of one’s faith is in using one’s intellect, free will and reasoning abilities to contemplate and recognise God’s signs – one of the greatest signs being The Quran.
The Quran contains within it many miracles, so that we can have no doubt about its authenticity. The best way to discover what the Quran is actually about, is to read it for yourself.
Misconception 6 – "Hijab is Oppressive"
To observe the hijab, Muslim women are required to modestly cover their body with clothes that do not reveal their figure in front of non-closely related males. However, hijab is not just about outer appearances; it is also about noble speech, modesty, and dignified conduct.
Although there are many benefits of the hijab, the key reason Muslim women observe hijab is because it is a command from Allah (God), and He knows what is best for His creation.
The hijab empowers a woman by emphasising her inner spiritual beauty, rather than her superficial appearance. It gives women the freedom to be active members of society, while maintaining their modesty.
The hijab does not symbolize suppression, oppression or silence. Rather, it is a guard against degrading remarks, unwanted advances and unfair discrimination. So the next time you see a Muslim woman, know that she covers her physical appearance, not her mind or intellect.
Misconception 7 – "All Muslims are Arabs"
Only about 20% of Muslims in the world are Arabs, meaning that up to about 80% of Muslims are non-Arabs. For example, there are more Indian and Indonesian Muslims than Arab Muslims. Islam teaches that an individual is not superior to another because of race or colour, and is strictly against any form of racism. Islam has a universal message for all of mankind – that is, that everyone can gain peace and success only by acknowledging and worshipping the One True God.
Misconception 8 – "Jihad is Terrorism"
The essence of Jihad is to struggle and sacrifice for one’s religion in a manner which is pleasing to God. Linguistically, it means to “struggle” and can refer to one’s striving to do good deeds, give charity, or to join an Islamic military action. The most commonly known form is the military Jihad which is permitted in order to preserve the well being of society, to prevent oppression from spreading, and to promote justice. This can be either defensive or offensive, depending on the circumstance.
Misconception 9 – "Muslims Worship Muhammad or the Moon God"
Yet another misconception is that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is entirely untrue, and is easily refuted by the actual saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Do not over-praise me as the Christians over-praised Jesus, the son of Mary. I am His slave, so refer to me as ‘God’s slave and Messenger.’ “
Islam teaches Muslims to respect all of God’s Prophets and Messengers – but respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them.
A related claim is that Muslims worship the “moon God” which is also totally incorrect. Worshipping the moon, or anything other than Allah, is strictly prohibited in Islam:
Islam acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises. He is the Most Just and the Most Merciful. Worshipping Him alone is the most important belief in Islam, as mentioned in the Quran in numerous places.
Misconception 10 – "Islam Permits Forced Marriages"
Arranged marriages are cultural practices which are predominant in certain countries throughout the world. Although not restricted to Muslims, forced marriages have become incorrectly associated with Islam.
In Islam, both males and females have the right to choose or reject their potential spouse, and a marriage is considered null and void if a woman’s genuine approval is not granted prior to the marriage.
Misconception 11 – "Islam Forces People to Become Muslim"
God says, “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error.” Quran 2:256
Although it is a duty on Muslims to convey and share the beautiful message of Islam to others, no one can be compelled to accept Islam. To accept Islam, a person must sincerely and voluntarily believe and obey God, so, by definition, no one can (or should) be forced to accept Islam.
Consider the following:
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population yet no battles were fought to bring Islam there.
There are around 14 million Arab Coptic Christians that have been living in the heart of Arabia for generations.
Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the western world today.
Although fighting oppression and promoting justice are valid reasons for waging jihad, forcing people to accept Islam is not one of them.
Muslims ruled Spain for around 800 years yet never coerced people to convert.
Learning about Islam from unqualified sources without verification is dangerous and leads to misunderstandings. Do not be misled into accepting misconceptions and false information about Islam – the belief shared by more than a quarter of mankind.
Does not the guidance for all humanity, the message of Islam, deserve to be carefully pondered over and reflected on?
Allah (God), the Creator of the universe and everything in it, created humans for a noble purpose: to worship Him alone and lead a virtuous life based on His teachings and guidance. However, one cannot fulfil this purpose without receiving clear guidelines from Allah. Allah, the Most Merciful and Just, did not leave us to wander the Earth aimlessly. In order to inform us of our purpose, Allah appointed certain individuals to communicate and demonstrate His message to all of mankind. These individuals are known as Prophets, which include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad – may peace be upon them all.
The Characteristics of Prophets
All Prophets have common characteristics which make them exceptional human beings.
Prophets receive revelation
The main difference between an ordinary human being and a Prophet is that a Prophet receives revelation from Allah.
Prophets have noble character
Prophets never sought personal benefits such as wealth, high status or power – rather, they only sought the approval of God.
Prophets were the best examples amongst their people in character and righteousness. They lived in obedience to God, with excellent morals and were always truthful in speech and conduct. For this reason, Muslims reject totally the false attribution of major sins to the Prophets, as appears in some scriptures of other religions.
Prophets perform miracles
Many Prophets performed miracles, usually in a field which their people excelled. For example, the people of Moses (peace be upon him) excelled in magic; therefore, Moses (peace be upon him) was able to perform miraculous acts which even magicians could not perform. The people of Jesus (peace be upon him) excelled in matters of medicine; therefore, Jesus (peace be upon him) was able to perform acts of healing beyond the skill of his own people. The people of Muhammad (peace be upon him) excelled in poetry; therefore, Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered the Quran, containing such eloquent words which no poet could ever compete with. In addition, many Prophets conveyed truthful prophecies of future events. Such miracles were performed only with the permission and assistance of Allah, proving that they were human, and not divine.
Prophets are not divine
While Prophets are chosen by Allah Almighty, they are in no way divine and should not be worshipped. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was commanded to say, “I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to me that your God is One God.” Quran 18:110 It is clear even from the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, that the Prophets were not divine, and would worship and prostrate to the One True God. “And he [Jesus] went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed…” Matthew 26:39 “And they [Moses and Aaron] fell upon their faces…” Numbers 16:22 “And Abram [i.e. Abraham] fell on his face: and God talked with him…” Genesis 17:3
Prophets have necessary qualities
Allah gave all Prophets certain characteristics in order for them to successfully fulfil their mission, such as persistence, courage, leadership, patience and wisdom.
Some examples include:
The persistence of Noah (peace be upon him) in calling his people to Allah, even though very few accepted.
The courage of Abraham (peace be upon him) to singlehandedly confront his entire community regarding their false beliefs, while he was still very young.
The leadership of Moses (peace be upon him) in directing the escape of his people from the most oppressive tyrant of his time – Pharaoh.
The patience of Jesus (peace be upon him) in enduring the hardships and persecution imposed upon him by his people.
The wisdom of Muhammad (peace be upon him) in uniting the many rival tribes of Arabia, who had a long history of conflict, into one peaceful community.
The Message of the Prophets
Since all Prophets were sent by the One True God, they all conveyed the same message and had the same mission – to remind and educate their people of the purpose of life.
Their message was to:
Clarify the true concept of God and reject false beliefs
Teach the true purpose of life
Demonstrate how Allah should be worshipped
Convey Allah’s definition of righteous and sinful conduct, and advise people accordingly
Describe the rewards for obedience (Heaven) and warn of the punishment for disobedience (Hell)
Explain commonly misunderstood issues such as the soul, angels and spirits, the afterlife and fate
The main focus of all the Prophets was to clarify the concept of God: that He has no partners or equals, and that all worship should be directed exclusively toward Him. In the Quran, there are numerous examples of Prophets proclaiming this message:
Noah (peace be upon him) said [Quran 7:59],
“O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other gods besides Him.”
Abraham (peace be upon him) said [Quran 21:66],
“Do you worship besides Allah, things that can neither bring you benefit nor cause you harm?”
Moses (peace be upon him) said [Quran 7:140],
“What! Shall I seek for you a god other than Allah even though He has made you excel (all) created things?”
Jesus (peace be upon him) said [Quran 3:51],
“Indeed Allah is my Lord and your Lord: so worship Him (alone): this is the Straight Way.”
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said [Quran 18:110],
“It has been revealed to me that your God is One God. So whoever expects to meet his Lord then let him do good deeds and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.”
This message was consistent throughout the generations, and highlights the importance of having the correct belief in God.
Every Nation was Sent a Prophet
Muslims believe that thousands of Prophets were sent periodically by Allah, at least one to every nation, as a mercy to mankind for their guidance. In certain circumstances, the message of the Prophets was lost, corrupted, forgotten, neglected, or denied by the people. These were some of the reasons why a new Prophet would be sent to re-convey Allah’s message.
Muslims believe in and respect every Prophet sent by God. Muslims also believe in all of the divine books which were revealed to the Prophets, mindful of the fact that none of these books exist today in their original form, aside from the Quran. “It is He (Allah) Who has sent down the Book (the Quran) to you (Muhammad) with truth, confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.” Quran 3:3
Why Doesn't Everyone Receive Direct Revelation?
Allah created life and gave humans free will and intellect, as a test to see who will willingly follow His path and who will deviate. If every person received direct revelation, life would not be a true test of faith. The real test of one’s faith is in using one’s intellect and reason to contemplate and recognise God’s signs, rather than being spoken to directly by God, which would not require any effort, and would render belief meaningless.
Although Prophets received direct revelation, this did not exempt them from life’s tests, as Prophethood brings with it many difficulties and trials.
The Final Prophet
Prophets were sent to specific groups of people, and over time, the messages with which they came were lost or corrupted. However, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not sent to a specific people, but to mankind as a whole, and his message has been preserved both in the form of the Quran and the Sunnah. Since the Quran and Sunnah are preserved and easily accessible, there is no need for another Prophet.
The Quran is the spoken word of Allah, and is free of any corruption, errors or contradictions. It is a book of “guidance for mankind… and the distinction (between right and wrong).” Quran 2:185
The Sunnah is a collection of the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as recorded by his companions and their students. The fact that there are thousands of these recorded and rigorously authenticated makes it very easy for anyone to follow Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) correctly.
The message of Prophet Muhammad is in complete harmony with the teachings of the previous Prophets, and reaffirms their message.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Prophet for all mankind from his time up until the end of time, including current and future generations. He was a perfect example of an honest, just, merciful, compassionate, truthful and brave human being. He, like other Prophets before him, did not have any evil characteristics and strove solely for the sake of Allah.
Prophets were sent as a mercy by Allah, to convey His message and to teach people how to live a righteous life. They have the best of characteristics and are to be followed and obeyed. Following a Prophet is obedience to God and rejecting a Prophet is disobedience to God. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last of the Prophets, so God’s guidance was complete with his coming, and our salvation is complete with the obedience to God and His Final Prophet.